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LIHTC Fundamentals & Advanced – Cleveland

October 16 @ 8:30 am – October 17 @ 12:30 pm

Class will begin at 9:00 each morning. It will end at 4:30 on day 1 and at approximately 12:30 on day 2. The SHCM Exam will follow the class on day 2.
Instructed By: Karen Graham Consulting

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Specialist in Housing Credit Management Exam – Cleveland

October 17 @ 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm

The Specialist in Housing Credit Management Exam will be offered in an online format ONLY. Those wishing to sit for the exam on site will need to bring a lap-top or tablet to the exam. The exam will immediately follow the completion of the LIHTC course on May 16

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Working with Earned Income – Webinar

October 22 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

The 4350.3 Chapter 5 and Exhibit 5-1 define what is and is not income and whose income is included for all affordable housing programs. Methods of verifying and calculating, however, can and sometimes do differ from program to program and from state to state. This class takes an in depth look at the types of earned income including methods of verifying and calculating for HUD, RD, Tax Credit and HOME. Includes Gig Income. Mini-quizzes and case studies are included. Students will need a calculator.

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We Have A Powerful Unified Voice And We’re Using It To Improve Affordable Housing

MAHMA is a professional association representing owners and managers of affordable housing throughout Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. We are a regional organization with grassroots support from local, regional and national affiliations. We are a powerful unified voice whose objective is to provide and improve quality of life for the residents of affordable housing through management operations, and preservation of existing housing units.


Members receive weekly updates from the National and State level with the latest affordable housing information and breaking news as it happens.


MAHMA holds numerous training opportunities throughout the year both in person and virtually in small format sessions and during multi-day conferences.


MAHMA in partnership with the National Affordable Housing Management Association advocates federally with members of Congress, HUD, IRS, USDA and other agencies on behalf of the affordable multifamily industry.

Latest News

HOTMA Compliance Date Extended To July 1, 2025

The Office of Multifamily Housing Programs (MFH) published Housing Notice H 2024-09, which extends the date that Owners must be fully compliant with Sections 102 and 104 of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) to July 1, 2025. MFH will...

Tenant Recertifications Guide Available

Rural Development (RD) Multifamily Housing (MFH) has created Processing Tenant Recertifications: A Guide for Multifamily Housing Owners and Management Companies as a reference resource for RD MFH owners and management agents. The guide outlines the recertification...

Making An Impact In The Affordable Housing Industry

The Midwest Affordable Housing Management Association’s members are responsible for the day-to-day management tasks for over 800,000 units of the nation’s affordable housing stock. We understand that creating and maintaining quality affordable housing communities is essential to each family’s ability to reach its full potential. Join Us in making a difference.

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