HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (RAD) is a voluntary preservation program helping to stop the loss of affordable housing. According to HUD, in October, 2022, Public Housing authorities and their partners surpassed $15 billion in construction investment since RAD’s inception in 2013. PHAs across the nation leveraged RAD to obtain this financing for the construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of more than 185,000 deeply affordable rental homes. PHAs who converted their projects have opted for Project Based Vouchers (PBVs) or Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) – both of which are Section 8 platforms. With a conversion to PBVs things change. With a conversion to PBRA, everything changes. Learn or refresh on how your RAD conversion changes rules, procedures, and your management of the property.
Instructed by: Gwen Volk
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