Intro Video for Public Housing Residents available in English and Spanish
HUD has recently posted a video, now available in Spanish, directed primarily towards public housing residents or those new to the RAD program! The video is designed to provide an overall understanding of the program in an accessible, engaging way. Public housing authorities and property owners are encouraged to show the video, in English or in Spanish, at resident meetings, share with resident associations, and upload it to websites as a resource. The video supplements the RAD Resident Fact Sheets that are also available in Spanish. These and other materials can be found on the RAD website under the “Resident Information” tab.
Building Strong Foundations for Families in Ypsilanti, MI
The Ypsilanti Housing Commission’s (YHC’s) Deborah Strong Housing not only provides high-quality apartments and townhouses for low-income residents of Ypsilanti, Michigan, but through a range of family support services, provides residents with built-in resources to break cycles of poverty.
Deborah Strong Housing consists of 112 homes across Ypsilanti which were converted from public housing using RAD, which preserves them in perpetuity as affordable housing under HUD’s Section 8 program. At the same time, YHC developed a plan to provide new, additional family support services to improve residents’ quality of life. As a pilot partner of the Strong Families Fund, a pay-for-performance effort to finance service coordination in affordable housing properties, YHC is helping build lives and support families to pursue life-changing opportunities.
The community’s special combination of high-quality housing and wrap-around family services is the legacy of its namesake, Deborah Strong, whose tireless advocacy on behalf of low-income families has survived her. Read more about how the housing and family service programs she helped build continue to eliminate historical barriers and leads with an abiding respect for the lives of impacted families.
New Service Funding to be Available Soon for Properties After RAD Conversion
The Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) program provides funding to hire and maintain service coordinators who assess the needs of residents and coordinate available resources in the community to meet those needs. While the funding has traditionally been limited to serve residents of public housing or Indian housing, the recently enacted FY 2023 funding bill (the “Appropriations Act”) allows ROSS awards to be used to continue to serve or restart service to residents living at public housing properties that had converted through RAD to either PBV or PBRA contracts. Eligibility and application requirements will be described in a forthcoming ROSS Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
Early Lessons from Faircloth-to-RAD
A new analysis from the Terner Center offers early lessons from HUD’s Faircloth-to-RAD program. Drawing on interviews with staff from six PHAs and affordable housing professionals, their analysis looks at opportunities and barriers to the success of HUD’s Faircloth-to-RAD program. New Pathways to Create More Deeply Affordable Housing: Early Lessons from HUD’s Faircloth-to-RAD Program highlights strategies that early-adopter PHAs are using to build new or preserve existing deeply affordable housing.
Recent RAD Closings Across the Country
Click below to read more about recent RAD closings in Massachusetts (Boston), New York (Albany), Connecticut (New Haven) and California (San Francisco).

To learn more about how RAD impacts communities across the country, visit our Press Release web page. |