The Cleveland and Columbus Field Offices of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will host an optional HUD Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity training on
- Overview of FHEO
- Discrimination
- Disability Rights:
- Service & Emotional Support Animals
- Accommodations/ Modification of Units
Due to current challenges and restrictions posed by COVID-19, this event will be facilitated online and/or via conference call. Any questions should be directed to Scott Smith at or Jennae Shinsky at
Where: Microsoft Teams
When: April 18th, 2023
Time: 10:00am- 11:30 am EDT
Target Audience: City and County Housing and Community Development Departments/Agencies, Congressional/Constituent Case Workers, Housing Authority Officials and staff, FHIPS, FHAPS, and other. If you or members of your team plan to attend, please RSVP to this invite by April 14th 2023, and include the following information: Name, Organization, Title and Contact Information.
The HUD Cleveland and Columbus Offices of Field Policy and Management (FPM) is currently working with our partners to expand information regarding programs to benefit the community. Additionally, our job is to support the needs of our stakeholders and make a positive impact in the communities we serve. It is important that we provide our local collaborative partners and HUD customers with the tools and resources necessary for successful communities.