The 2025 NAHMA Drug-Free Calendar will be ready to ship this month. Be among the first to receive one of these creative calendars; make sure you keep some on hand to give residents and colleagues as appreciation gifts. Order the calendar today by downloading and returning the 2025 Calendar Order Form to NAHMA. The calendar cost is $5.50 each, which is an allowable project expense for the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The calendars feature original artwork by children, senior residents 55 years or older, and residents with special needs who live in an affordable multifamily housing community of a NAHMA- or an AHMA-member company submitted to the NAHMA’s annual AHMA Drug-Free Kids poster and art contest. The underlying message for the national competition is always a drug-free theme. Still, the association wanted to open the door for more avenues of expression, so a subtheme was incorporated into the poster contest. The subtheme for this year is Dig Into a New Day: Our World Is a Garden of Delights.

The calendar also contains a QR code—which can be scanned using the camera on a smart device—that links to a Calendar of Observances to be more inclusive. The Calendar of Observances features a diverse listing of religious observations, and national and international holidays that are searchable by month. The calendar’s individual pages feature the observed federal holidays determined by the United States Office of Personnel Management.

Lily Morway, a 10th grader from Worcester, Mass., is the grand prizewinner in the national contest. Her creation appears on the cover of NAHMA’s 2025 calendar. Lily, 16, also receives an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C., for a NAHMA Biannual Top Issues in Affordable Housing conference and a scholarship of $2,500 from the NAHMA Educational Foundation.

The annual contest consists of the local AHMAs selecting winning posters from their art competitions, which are then sent to NAHMA for consideration in the national contest. Each national winner of the NAHMA contest receives a $1,000 educational scholarship from the NAHMA Educational Foundation. All winners are also featured in the 2025 NAHMA Drug-Free Kids Calendar. Only students are eligible for the grand prize.

Furthermore, participants in the annual art contests held by the local AHMAs are eligible to be selected as Regional AHMA Art Contest Honorable Mentions. Those chosen for this distinction are featured in a special calendar section and receive a $100 scholarship check.

The original grand prizewinning artwork will be sold in connection with the Educational Foundation’s fundraising gala on Oct. 24, with the proceeds supporting the foundation’s scholarship program.

A complete list of this year’s national program winners is available on the NAHMA website.