Appliance Repair Fundamentals – Columbus, OH

Hilton Garden Inn Columbus Easton 3600 Morse Rd., Columbus, OH, United States

This course will provide an understanding of refrigerator, range, oven, dishwasher, and some microwave repairs. We will also cover how to read wiring diagrams, test components, replace elements, test motors, and common service calls. Each student will learn how to quickly diagnose the most common problems found in the field. Each session will be built […]

Understanding the HUD Utility Allowance – Webinar


Learn or refresh on how HUD's Utility Analysis base-line analysis works, how to calculate and apply a factor-based analysis in year's 2 and 3, and when and how to phase-in decreases.  Understand the significance of the tenant comment period for both base-line and factor-bsed analyses.  Learn what HUD expects, what you are and are not […]

POSTPONED – Public Housing Post RAD Conversion – How Do You Manage? Webinar


HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (RAD)  is a voluntary preservation program helping to stop the loss of affordable housing.  According to HUD, in October, 2022, Public Housing authorities and their partners surpassed $15 billion in construction investment since RAD’s inception in 2013. PHAs across the nation leveraged RAD to obtain this financing for the construction, […]

Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO) – Virtual


The Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO) course is the only comprehensive program covering the entire HUD Handbook 4350.3 including the latest revisions.  Each participant receives an updated version of this Handbook in the course.  An extensive course manual with 31 chapters covers topics from eligibility criteria, standards, tenant selection and screening to non-discrimination, allowances, adjusted […]

POSTPONED – Let’s Talk LIHTC Compliance – LIHTC 101 Webinar


This beginners course is your introduction to Low Income Housing Tax Credit Compliance. We take you through the 6 key requirements of managing an LIHTC property to income & assets, student status, completing certifications and more!   Explore the LIHTC compliance rules with Karen Graham and Stacy Day who will put the rules into a […]

Special Claims – Webinar


Are you leaving money on the table when you could be processing a special claim? HUD allows Section 8, 202/8, 202 PAC and 202/811 PRAC properties to submit requests for reimbursement of losses due to unpaid rent by the tenant, tenant damages or vacancy when the losses exceed the limited security deposits HUD allows owners […]

POSTPONED LIHTC Fundamentals & Advanced – Indianapolis

This session has been postponed.  We apologize for the inconvenience.  Please check back for future dates.  Class will begin at 9:00 each morning. It will end at 4:30 on day 1 and at approximately 12:30 on day 2. The SHCM Exam will follow the class on day 2. What You’ll Learn • Six Key Requirements […]

Calculating Income and Assets – All Programs (with HOTMA Highlights)


Methods of calculating income sometimes differ from program to program and from state to state, and this can be particularly challenging for blended properties.  The course will review the methods of calculating earned and unearned income, including Gig income and New Age assets, for the  HUD, RD, Tax Credit and HOME programs. HOTMA highlights will […]

NSPIRE Prep Training – Columbus, OH

Columbus Apartment Association 1225 Dublin Rd., Suite 120, Columbus, OH

Course Will Cover: Intro to REAC: Before Inspector, During Inspection, Inspector Interaction UPCS Inspectable Areas: Intro to Scoring, Inspectable Items in Each Area, Prioritizing Repairs, Most Common Mistakes Identifying UPCS Deficiencies NSPIRE Updates MAHMA Cancellation Policy: All cancellations must be received in writing five business days prior to the course.  No shows will be billed.  […]

POSTPONED Specialist in Housing Credit Management Exam – Indianapolis

Sheraton Indianapolis at Keystone Crossing 8787 Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis, IN, United States

This session has been postponed. We apologize for the inconvenience.  Please check back for future dates.  The Specialist in Housing Credit Management Exam will be offered in an online format ONLY. Those wishing to sit for the exam on site will need to bring a lap-top or tablet to the exam. The exam will immediately follow […]