In this Update

  1. FSS is for Everyone
  2. Update on UEI/ registrations that may affect your ability to register/submit with
  3. Extended Deadline for Federally Declared Disaster Areas

Curious about whether your organization is a good fit for FSS? Learn more about why FSS is for Everyone!

You can learn more about our NOFO on the FSS Funding Opportunities Webpage, including How to Apply as a New Applicant with HUD’s Single Required Additional Form (HUD-52651). Remember to read the NOFO regarding Question #9!

REMEMBER: The Application Deadline is Friday, October 7, 2022. Don’t delay!

***2022 September 22  – Update: UEI and Registration Requirement***

Still waiting on your UEI or registration? Due to high demand, registrations are taking longer than expected to process.

Good news: We have relaxed our active UEI requirement for applicants, as follows:

  1. ALREADY are registered for with a DUNS Number but have yet to obtain a UEI from You may still apply (although you will need a UEI before accepting any award) as normal via
  2. DO NOT have a registration from You may still apply (although you will need a UEI before accepting any award) via email by sending ALL of your signed (either electronically or scanned wet signature – typewritten signatures WILL NOT be accepted), dated, and completed application documents in ONE email to AFTER submitting your registration request on, with a copy of your confirmation email from with your Ticket Number by the end of the Application Grace Period (24 hours after the Application Deadline).

PLEASE NOTE: will be UNAVAILABLE between Friday, September 23, 2022, and Thursday, September 29, 2022. The FSS NOFO Deadline has ALREADY been extended for all applicants to Friday, October 7, 2022, to allow additional time to accommodate this issue. You may ONLY submit your application via email if you are experiencing a delay with your registration from, which is UNAFFECTED by the unavailability of You may NOT submit your application via email if you are simply unable to access because of the previously announced system unavailability, but instead should submit your application via AFTER Thursday, September 29, 2022, and BEFORE the Application Deadline.

***2022 September 22 – Update: Presidentially Declared Emergencies and Disasters***

Have you been impacted by a Presidentially Declared Emergency or Disaster? For those in Presidentially Declared Emergency and Disaster Areas, we are extending the NOFO deadline to Friday, October 21, 2022 @ 11:59:59pm ET in the following areas:

PLEASE NOTE: We will update this list with any new areas that are declared by the CURRENT application deadline of Friday, October 7, 2022 @ 11:59:59pm ET.